Mac Book Text To Speech Alex

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Saving Text as an Audio File. The say command's saving as parameter adds another level of power, enabling text to be converted to audio format and saved as an.aiff file for later listening. This technique could be used, for example, to save email messages in audio format, as demonstrated by Listing 25-5. The good news is that old versions of Dragon for mac or Dragon dictate as it used to be called still work on new macs (I'm stuck with Mojave though, I don't want to risk the 32-bit issue). TextSpeech Pro is a professional text-to-speech software product, featuring high-quality voices. On OS X, it uses the Apple voices and all voices built by Cepstral. List of all features of TextSpeech Pro for OS X: Synthesizes speech from text and enables the high-quality voices (Deluxe version) in.

Convert Speech To Text Mac

Convert text to audible speech.
This tool uses the Speech Synthesis manager to convert input text to audible speech and either play it through the sound output device chosen in System Preferences or save it to an AIFF file.

If the input is a TTY, or if no text is specified, the typed input text will be spoken line by line, and the output file, if specified, will only contain audio for the last line of the input. Press Ctrl-C to cancel. Otherwise, text is spoken all at once.

Returns 0 if the text was spoken successfully, otherwise non-zero.
Diagnostic messages will be printed to standard error.

The default voice (and speaking rate) can be set in System Preferences | Dictation & Speech.

Some voices are not installed by default, selecting them in System Preferences will cause the voice to be downloaded.

Examples How to screen capture on mac pro.

say -f myfile.txt
cat myfile.txt | say

cat myfile.txt | say -o MyAudioFile.aiff

$ ./long-running-script ; say 'Your Script has finished running'

'We're nothing but the stories we tell ourselves' ~ Michael Montoure

Related macOS commands:

echo - Display message on screen.
pr - Convert text files for printing.
textutil - Manipulate text files in various formats.
macOS VoiceOver - accessibility page.
wall - Write a message to users.
Windows PowerShell: Add-Type System.Speech

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Speaking Text

Spoken text is another way to provide feedback to users during script execution; instead of reading a message visually, the user can listen to it audibly. Listing 25-1 and Listing 25-2 show how the Standard Additions scripting addition's say command can be used to speak a phrase.


Listing 25-1AppleScript: Speaking text


Listing 25-2JavaScript: Speaking text
  1. var app = Application.currentApplication()
  2. app.includeStandardAdditions = true
  3. app.say('Processing is complete.')

The say command has a number of optional parameters, some of which allow you to specify a voice and attributes such as speaking rate, pitch, and modulation. See Listing 25-3 and Listing 25-4.


Listing 25-3AppleScript: Speaking text with custom speech attributes
  1. say 'Just what do you think you're doing Dave?' using 'Alex' speaking rate 140 pitch 42 modulation 60


Listing 25-4JavaScript: Speaking text with custom speech attributes
  1. var app = Application.currentApplication()
  2. app.includeStandardAdditions = true
  3. app.say('Just what do you think you're doing Dave?', {
  4. using: 'Alex',
  5. speakingRate: 140,
  6. pitch: 42,
  7. modulation: 60
  8. })

Saving Text as an Audio File

The say command's saving as parameter adds another level of power, enabling text to be converted to audio format and saved as an .aiff file for later listening. This technique could be used, for example, to save email messages in audio format, as demonstrated by Listing 25-5 and Listing 25-6.


Listing 25-5AppleScript: Saving text as audio
  1. tell application 'Mail'
  2. tell message 1 of inbox
  3. set theSubject to subject
  4. set theBody to content
  5. end tell
  6. end tell
  7. set theOutputFile to (path to desktop as string) & 'message.aiff'
  8. set theAudio to 'Message Subject: ' & theSubject & return & 'Body: ' & theBody
  9. say theAudio saving to theOutputFile

JAVASCRIPT How to detect malware on mac.

Listing 25-6JavaScript: Saving text as audio
  1. var Mail = Application('Mail')
  2. var app = Application.currentApplication()
  3. app.includeStandardAdditions = true
  4. message = Mail.inbox.messages[0]
  5. subject = message.subject()
  6. body = message.content()
  7. outputFile = ((app.pathTo('desktop').toString()) + '/message.aiff')
  8. audio = 'Message Subject: ' + subject + 'nBody: ' + body
  9. app.say(audio, {savingTo: outputFile})

Speech To Text Software

Speaking Text While Displaying a Dialog

Typically, a script executes a single command at a time, waiting for a command to complete before moving onto the next. Listing 25-7 and Listing 25-8 demonstrate how to display a dialog message, while simultaneously using the NSTask class in the Foundation framework to read the message out loud.


Mac Book Text To Speech Alex
Listing 25-7AppleScriptObjC: Speaking text while displaying a dialog

Mac Book Text To Speech Alexa

  1. use framework 'Foundation'
  2. use scripting additions
  3. set theStatusText to 'Processing is complete.'
  4. set theTask to (current application's NSTask's launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:'/usr/bin/say' arguments:{theStatusText})
  5. try
  6. display dialog theStatusText
  7. theTask's terminate()
  8. on error
  9. try
  10. theTask's terminate()
  11. end try
  12. end try


Listing 25-8JavaScriptObjC: Speaking text while displaying a dialog
  1. var app = Application.currentApplication()
  2. app.includeStandardAdditions = true
  3. var statusText = 'Processing is complete.'
  4. var task = $.NSTask.launchedTaskWithLaunchPathArguments('/usr/bin/say', [statusText])
  5. try {
  6. app.displayDialog(statusText)
  7. task.terminate
  8. }
  9. catch(error){
  10. task.terminate
  11. }

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